
© Frank W. Ockenfels 3
Assigned: Week #1 2/1/11
Due Date: Week #7 3/14/11 and Week #14 5/9/11

Details:  Journal can be any size or style, but I recommend it to be small.

The purpose of this assignment is to be constantly seeing the world as inspiration for your photography.  You are to use this journal assignment to collect, muse, reflect, examine, organize, and assess anything and everything having to do with color!

Grading Criteria:

A             Comprehensive writings and imagery including the following:
-       General inspiration
-       Specific inspirations pertaining to assigned projects
-       Tearsheets, sketches, scraps, and visuals
-       Resource lists or specific information pertaining to execution of your projects
-       Postmortem, examination, assessment of projects
-       Any musings that help you gain a better understanding of yourself, the world around you, and your process

B             Writing and Imagery of only clinical information pertaining to your project including:
-       Resources lists and some production information
-       Some tearsheets, sketches, scraps, and visuals
-       Some specifics regarding the execution of projects
-       Some analysis and examination of  how well the project was executed

C             Writing and Imagery lacking specifics pertaining to your project

D             Very little writing and Imagery of any kind

F             Failure to turn in a journal

Journal samples: