A3: Color Temperature

Assigned: Week #4 2/2211
Due Date: Week #6 3/7/11

Images Due:  8 Digital Images
Details:  Set your digital camera to Daylight White Balance Preset or Manually to 5000-5500˚K, Raw image capture, and a color profile of Adobe RGB.  If you retouch, also provide the unretouched file!

For this assignment, you are going to explore color temperatures using your digital camera as your tool. 

Part A - Color Temperatures (edited to 4 final shots):
I would like you to shoot subjects of your choice (people, landscapes, still lifes, etc.) illuminated by light sources that each have their own unique color temperatures. Shoot multiple images lit by different types of light sources such as fluorescent, tungsten, floodlamp, neon, mercury or sodium vapor (streetlights), etc.  *Explore subjects illuminated by multiple light sources in the same shot to further understand the concepts of white balance.
Keep in mind that you should be shooting outdoors at night, dusk, dawn, or indoors in order to have a majority of your scene illuminated by artificial sources.  Therefore, I highly recommend shooting with a high ISO (so your image sensor is more sensitive to the light) and using a tripod (because you may be shooting with very slow shutter speeds!).

Part B - Time of Day (edited to 4 final shots):
To further illustrate the concepts of color temperature, you are going to shoot your subject illuminated during specific times of the day.  To more accurately demonstrate light and color changes, shoot outside with only daylight on a relatively clear day(s) at sunrise and/or sunset  (6:41am and 5:39pm).  Start on this as soon as you can, because if you wait until the last minute, I’m sure the weather will stink and your grade will reflect your results!

*The Catch!...
To add a bit of creativity to this concept you will be exploring a simple “divergence test”. Divergence tests are best for measuring one’s imagination.  You will attempt to take your mind in as many different directions as possible to conceptually solve the assignment. Bottom line: Divergence tests are a great measurement of creativity.
            Here’s your assignment:  Write down as many uses as possible that you can think of for a brick and then a blanket.  There are no wrong answers, but be creative as possible.  Then, illustrate these concepts utilizing the lighting guidelines of Part A and Part B above.  You may use all brick answers, or brick ideas for Part A only, or 2 brick ideas for each Part A and B, or… it is up to you.  Be creative and have fun!

Submit all 8 digital files (at least!) in class week #6 labeled appropriately.
Example File Naming = “A3_Name_A_Tungsten.CR2” or “A3_Name_B_6:30am.CR2”